Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Please Help if You Can't

Lots of US consumers live well beyond their means.  So why not the same for a little Afghan boy who is dying from a blood disease and simply wants to live?  His family could never afford the cost of a bone marrow transplant, even if they were to save the rest of their lives.  And after a year, ACP's fundraising prowess has proven to be just about as flaccid. 

But like a voracious American consumer, Sediq's disease just won't wait for the piggy bank to fill.  We think the answer to his problem is simply that which makes America great:  MasterCard!  Next month, the kid gets his operation, whether we have the money or not.  And so far we only have about half of the $30,000 or so it will cost.  What better way to demonstrate how US financial ingenuity can come to the aid of a dying child whilst we promote our dearest institutions around the world [which actually happens to be sort of ACP's mission statement].

So here is a special all-American offer of sub-prime karma, derivative delight and bone marrow bailout:  If you genuinely cannot afford to help save Sediq, would you please do so and put it on your credit card right now, just like we are doing? 

At this point, we have a cash donor waiting to match any $5,000 contribution.  We have a bone marrow donor waiting in India.  We have donated tickets waiting for the family to get there.  And most of all, we have one very sick little boy who needs to be cured—now!   And in the end, who cares—God or Obama will bail us out, anyway. 

Click here for PayPal. 

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