Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall Fundraising Half Way--Still Need Computers

First of all, the counter in the upper right corner is not what we have raised for orphans in Afghanistan--we are up around $5,000.  And thanks to the generosity of two donors alone, we have already raised the money for the new solar electric system and new mattresses, among other items.

Meredith has all of the new bedsheet sets for 70 beds.  We are now raising money for the pillows and blankets and learning supplies. Overall, we have about half of the money we are targeting for our projects at the orphanage this fall. 

What we really need now are your used but OK computers.  We have dozens of intelligent and promising young Afghans in high school who have never had a computer of their own.  If you have one you could send or know someone who does, please shoot me an e-mail.
