Saturday, August 29, 2009


The words and pictures on this page are intended to thank you for your generosity in the past and to keep you updated on what we are currently doing to help the orphans in Bamyan. Your donations of clothing, shoes, school supplies and money over the past two years have delighted the children of the orphanage and impressed many Afghans.

There is no official organization here. No tax write-offs. But through a set of unique circumstances, including the help of Blackwater Aviation and the wonderful New Zealand troops based in Bamyan, I have been able to get 100% of your donations to the children, with no bribes, overhead, middlemen or rake-offs at all. If there are any costs in getting your donations to the children, I will pay for them myself.

After two years, I am attempting to expand our help to the orphanage. This does not mean that I am undertaking any sort of recurring commitments, just that in addition to the items sent from the US, I will also help the orphanage obtain specific items which make more sense to purchase in country (e.g., mattresses, pillows, solar panels). Thus, in addition to the generous donations of items mailed from the US, I am now also attempting to raise money for specific needs at the orphanage. Look for the list of these needs elsewhere on this page, and please help out if you can. And maybe pass this idea on to others who may be interested. I am always happy to correspond with anyone.


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